Thu 16 June 18:00
18:00 - 19:00 Opernplatz
PUBLIC WARM-UP© Tate Modern 2015, Olivia Hemingway
Marking the start of the Congress, Boris Charmatz invites everyone to a public warm-up at the Opernplatz. Instructed by the choreographer, Congress participants and interested spectators from Hanover can try out movement material created by various dance artists. Whether elements of George Balanchine‘s neo-classical style, postmodern technique or radical contemporary movement approaches—the collective event will become an animated time journey through the history of 20th-century dance. Whatever your physical condition, your age, your involvement with dance, come join this workout for a short survey of twentieth century dance.
Date: Thu 16. June, 18:00
Tickets: Admission free
Venue: Opernplatz
With Boris Charmatz
Thu 16 June 19:00
19:00 - 23:00 Staatsoper Hannover
Under the direction of Boris Charmatz, 20 dancers and performers of different generations transform the Staatsoper Hannover into an expansive Musée de la danse. In an itinerary through the dance history of the 20th century, they present individually selected or developed solos, that start with the pioneers of modernism and postmodernism and range all the way from ballet and urban dance. The Staatsoper with its spacious rooms, hallways, and foyers thus becomes a living dance museum through which the audience can not only stroll, but also experience dance history in an impressive way and vividly relive personal memories. Following presentations at, among others, the MOMA in New York, Tate Modern in London, and Opéra Garnier in Paris, the Musée de la danse presents a version of the project ‘20 Dancers for the XX Century‘ created specifically for the opening of the Dance Congress 2016.
Duration 180 min.
Afterwards Boris Charmatz’ 13-person ensemble engages in ‘manger (dispersed)’ with the everyday, bodily process of eating. Despite incessant chewing, devouring, stuffing, nibbling, munching, and regurgitating, they sing and dance, intertwine and knot their bodies. Elemental need and artistic refinement are combined in ‘manger (dispersed)’ to a variety of intimate and social actions with which Charmatz poses the question of how we swallow and digest, or again spit out, reality.
For the first time in Germany, ‘manger’ can be experienced in an open version that dispenses with the separation between stage and auditorium and again allows a direct closeness between the audience and the physical conditions of the dancers to emerge.
Duration 60 min.
Date: Thu 16. June, 19:00
Tickets: 15 € / red. 10 €
A limited number of tickets at a special price for congressparticipants available
Venue: Staatsoper Hannover20 Dancers for the XX Century
With Germaine Acogny, Boglárka Börcsök, Ashley Chen, Raphaëlle Delaunay, Eduardo Ricardo Fernandes aka Dominant Nemak, Olga Dukhovnaya, Olivia Grandville, Trajal Harrell, Reinhild Hoffmann, Emmanuelle Huynh, Vera Mantero, Fabrice Mazliah, Mani Mungai, Chrysa Parkinson, Sonja Pregrad, Marlène Saldana, Karine Seneca, Julian Weber, Frank Willens, Thomas Wodianka
This edition dedicates a special memory to Ko Murobushi, dancer of the project.
Thanks to Vito Acconci, Jérôme Bel, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Patrick De Vos, Patrick Doe, Basile Doganis, William Forsythe, Richard Frank, Christophe Gougeon, Sanja Iveković, Denis Piza, Alain Platel, Madeline Ritter, Eszter Salamon, Maria F. Scaroni, Gerald Siegmund, Ellen Sorrin, Meg Stuart, Moníca García Vicente, Kimiko Watanabe, The George Balanchine Trust, Mike Kelley Foundation for the Arts, Opéra national de Paris.
Choreography by Merce Cunningham © The Merce Cunningham Trust. Merce Cunningham’s choreography is performed by Mr Ashley Chen with the permission and support of the Merce Cunningham Trust. All rights reserved.
Production Musée de la danse / Centre chorégraphique national de Rennes et de Bretagne. Direction Boris Charmatz.
Funded by the French Ministry for Culture and Communication (Regional Council for Cultural Affaires/Bretagne), the City of Rennes, District Council of the Department of Ille-et-Vilaine.
Foto Fabian Barba © Nyima Leraymanger (dispersed)
With Or Avishay, Matthieu Barbin, Alina Bilokon, Nuno Bizarro, Ashley Chen, Olga Dukhovnaya, Julien Gallée-Ferré, Christophe Ives, Maud Le Pladec, Mark Lorimer, Mani Mungai, Marlène Saldana, Frank Willens.
Produced by Musée de la danse / Centre chorégraphique national de Rennes et de Bretagne—Directed by Boris Charmatz. The association receives grants from the Ministry of Culture and Communication (Regional Direction of Cultural Affairs / Brittany), the City of Rennes, the Regional Council of Brittany and Ille-et-Vilaine General Council.
Funded by the French Ministry for Culture and Communication (Regional Council for Cultural Affaires/Bretagne), the City of Rennes, District Council of the Department of Ille-et-Vilaine.
Coproduction Ruhrtriennale, Théâtre National de Bretagne-Rennes, Théâtre de la Ville und Festival d'Automne Paris, steirischer herbst Graz, Holland Festival Amsterdam, Kunstenfestivaldesarts Brussels, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt am Main.
Created in the frame of Ruhrtriennale 2014.
Foto Peggy Grelat-Dupont © Ursula KaufmannThe opening of the Dance Congress is supported by the Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony.