Sun 19 June 09:00
09:00 - 09:45 Oper - Kleiner Ballettsaal
Dance and Gyrotonic
Warm-upThis warm-up combines dance and Gyrotonic in a productive way. The movement system Gyrotonic trains the body’s energy, dynamics, length, movability, and flexibility – all the qualities dancers require to perform a broad range of movements. In addition, Gyrotonic raises the awareness and the sensitivity of one’s own body. The focus of the workshop is on different exercises to train the mobility and stability of the hips and the flexibility of the torso, thus substantially contributing to a better understanding of the structure and principles of one’s own body.
Please bring your yoga mat
Mónica García Vicente (DE) dancer, gyrotonic trainer
09:00 - 09:45 Oper - Großer Ballettsaal
Prevention and Warm-Up Training
Warm-upDo older dancers require special dance training? The DANCE ON Ensemble for dancers 40-plus has invited the sports scientist Patrick Rump to answer this question with us. Rump and his team of the GJUUM Group have already developed measures for prevention, rehabilitation, and performance enhancement with internationally renowned dance companies such as the Forsythe Company and the Royal Ballet. For the Dance Congress, Patrick Rump offers a specially conceived prevention and warm-up training to strengthen the muscles of the ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, and spine.
Patrick Rump (DE) sports scholar
Sun 19 June 10:00
10:00 - 11:00 Schauspiel - Bühne
on the notion of time in contemporary dance from the perspective of young arab artists
Lecture demonstration, talk© Alaa Khanger
In the past years, contemporary dance from the Arab world has become an integral part of the European dance landscape. In a variety of ways, dancers and choreographers deal with the conflictual and often disillusioning reality of their countries, but also with their dreams and visions of a different world. The phenomenon of time plays a special role in their contemporary productions. Instead of strictly distinguishing between the historical and present-day, the young generation of contemporary Arab choreographers tend to combine the past and the present to an interconnected whole in dance. The perception and expression of bodies and movement become artistic tools to connect to the present and conceive it anew. The Palestinian choreographer Samar Haddad King and the Algerian curator Nedjma Hadj Benchelabi along with the young dancers Mohamed Lamqayssi and Samaa Wakim invite the audience to a lecture demonstration and a workshop.
as well as:
Physical workshop
Sun 19 June, 11:30 – 13:30, Schauspiel – Probebühne
Registration requiredSamar Haddad King (PS) choreographer
Nedjma Hadj Benchelabi (DZ) curator, dramaturge
Mohamed Lamqayssi (MA) dancer
Samaa Wakim (PS) performer, actress -
10:00 - 11:30 Künstlerhaus - Jo-Jo Saal
Collective Intelligence
For more than half a year, Elena Polzer and Ilka Rümke from the freelance office for culture ehrliche arbeit conducted a written trialog with Anna Efraimsson, producer and initiator of The Blob, on working collectively in the performing arts. While ehrliche arbeit grasps itself as a collective focusing on project development and management dispensing with hierarchies and salary levels, The Blob is conceived as a flexible organisation structure that not only provides the production conditions for dance, but also questions them in a critical way. The three will jointly present their deliberations on issues related to collective work: What strategies and means assist a collective in organizing their communication? Do collective modes of working offer the possibility to restructure the capitalistic production mechanisms of art? What role do aspects such as friendship, gender, or geographic proximity play in establishing a collective? And are there possibilities of working collectively outside of the collective?
Anna Efraimsson (SE) producer, curator, dramaturge
Elena Polzer (DE) production manager, translator
Ilka Rümke (DE) director, production manager, dance pedagogue -
10:00 - 12:00 Oper - Chorsaal
Choreographic Radio
WorkshopWith the idea of the ‘Choreographic Radio’, the choreographers and dance dramaturges of the artists’ initiative ‘How do We Work it’ face an unusual challenge: transmitting ideas and structures of dance and choreography to the medium of radio. ‘Choreographic Radio’ is to provide an open space for debates and reflections, fathom new possibilities of engaging in a dialog on dance and choreography, and abolish the physical limits of communication. By acoustically translating dance into words, sounds, and scores, a radio programme will be playfully developed together with the participants that with conversations, excerpts of recordings of individual events, and collective exercises directly responds to the congress and is fueled by its contents.
as well as:
Sun 19 June, 12:00 - 13:00, Oper - ChorsaalSonja Augart (DE) choreographer, dramaturge, feldenkrais teacher, curator
Annette van Zwoll (NL) dance dramaturge
Ana Trincão (PT) multidisciplinary artist
Camilla Milena Fehér (DE) choreographer, performer, sound/visual artist
Adrian Shephard (UK) media artist, experimental radio-programme maker -
10:00 - 12:00 Oper - Großer Ballettsaal
Responses of dance to processes of the present
How do Choreographers Work at Municipal and State Theatres?
In face-to-face dialogs, choreographers at German municipal and state theatres are questioned by journalists or dance scholars on their specific working methods. Based on concrete project examples, they give accounts of how they and their dancers engage with current issues of our times, from where they draw inspiration, which aims they pursue with their colleagues, and what type of audience they envision.
The participants of the salon can switch between the five dialogs and thus familiarize themselves with various signatures and approaches of choreographers. The spectrum ranges from strongly image-oriented modes of working, via purely physicalenergetic methods, to psychological, narrative, or purely abstract approaches.Dialog
Bridget Breiner (DE) Ballett im Revier
& Mariama Diagne (DE) dance scholar
Jörg Mannes (DE) Ballett der Staatsoper Hannover
& Anne do Paço (DE) Ballet am Rhein
Richard Siegal (DE/US) Bayerisches Staatsballett
& Arnd Wesemann (DE) editor tanz
Guy Weizman (DE/NL) tanzmainz
& Tobias Staab (DE) dramaturge
Simone Sandroni (DE) Tanztheater Bielefeld
& Carmen Kovacs (DE) theatre and music scholar (instead of Nicole Strecker)
Bettina Wagner-Bergelt (DE) Bayerisches Staatsballett, BBTKA contribution by Bundesdeutsche Ballett- und Tanztheaterdirektoren Konferenz (BBTK)
10:00 - 13:30 Oper - Probebühne 2
Dance and performance in Duckburg:
Wir sind der Schnabel der Welt
© tba
In the dance scenes of Berlin, London, or Brussels, the term ‘contemporary’ has no longer been equated with an innovative practice for quite a while. this is different in geographical fringe areas, where ‘contemporary’ even today still stands for ‘progressive.’ This event suggests that the charging of the concept of ‘contemporary’ with ‘progressiveness’ or ‘backwardness’ does not depend on the historical point in time but on its geographical localization. But do discourses really establish themselves in rural regions with a delay, or simply in a different manner? And can strategies for dance developments in urban centers be drawn from the utopian potential of contemporaneity as it exists in rural areas? Lectures, small round table talks, and a geographical mapping will examine the role of the internet and social media in participating in dance events, as well as the curatorial challenges in rural regions and their repercussions on urban dance developments.
Lecture, Working group
Franz Anton Cramer (DE) dance scholar, philologist, author
Matjaž Farič (SI) choreographer, curator
Ingrid Türk-Chlapek (AT) curator, dance journalist, theatre and dance scholar -
10:00 - 14:00 Oper - Physioraum
Nutrition, training and prevention
The consultations in dance medicine serve to comprehensively prevent injuries, to provide information and insights, and to develop an awareness of body-appropriate training and the potential risks lying in one's everyday professional work. They additionally promote the engagement with themes of dance medicine in the sense of personal further education and self-care, and offer the opportunity to establish networks with experts in medicine, therapy, and training.
In individual appointments, dancers, dance professionals, and pedagogues of all disciplines can seek free advice on topics from the areas of nutrition, training, and prevention by tamed, Tanzmedizin Deutschland e.V.Anja Hauschild gives advice on health problems related to dancing, dance-(style)-specific and individual risk factors, and the prevention of dance injuries.
(Saturday 15:00-15:30 & 16:30-17:00 / Sunday 10:00-10:30, 11:30-12:00 & 13:00-13:30)
Eva-Maria Kraft gives advice on questions related to healthy and performance-enhancing nutrition for dancers and dance professionals.
(Saturday 16:00-16:30 & 17:30-18:00 / Sunday 11:00-11:30 & 12:30-13:00)
Andreas Starr gives advice on issues having to do with the planning, design, and control of training.
(Saturday 15:30-16:00 & 17:00-17:30 / Sunday 10:30-11:00, 12:00-12:30 & 13:30-14:00)Consultation 30 min. each
Registration required
Sat 18 June, 15:00 - 18:00, Oper - Physioraum
Sun 19 June, 10:00 – 14:00, Oper - PhysioraumAnja Hauschild (DE) physician, dancer, board member of tamed
Eva-Maria Kraft (AT) nutrition trainer, dance pedagogue, dancer
Andreas Starr (AT) dance pedagogue, dancer
Sun 19 June 11:00
11:15 - 12:15 Schauspiel - Bühne
A piece you remember to tell - A piece you tell to remember
© Peter Stamer
When talking to someone else about dance performances, one often realizes that the description does not correspond with the experiences of what was seen. So what do we remember, when we talk about dance performances? Standing or moving about in the room, three choreographers of different artistic styles, eyes closed, describe to another person a contemporary dance performance they remember and that was important for them. In the next round, ‘witnesses’ then relate what they just heard and saw. In four rounds of narrating, listening, and passing on, a new piece emerges according to the whisper-down-the-lane principle, a piece that was not talked about in the beginning, because it never existed before.
Andrea Božić (HR/NL) choreographer
Angela Gurreiro (DE) curator, producer, teacher, dancer, choreographer
Janez Janša (SI) artist, author, director
Emily Jeffries (US/DE) choreographer, dancer
Raphael Hillebrand (DE) artistic director
Sheena McGrandles (DE) choreographer, performer
Jochen Roller (DE) choreograph, performer, dramaturge
Kareth Schaffer (DE) free-lance artist
Frank Willens (DE) dancer, choreographer
et al.
Silke Bake (DE) dramaturge, curator, mentor
Peter Stamer (DE) director, perfomer, mentor -
11:30 - 12:30 Cumberlandsche Bühne
Contemporaneity in Action
Transcultural Negotiations in the Rehearsal Process
© Knut Klassen
This lecture demonstration refers to the rehearsals for the piece ‘Exorzieren statt Exerzieren’ (‘Exorcise Instead of Exercise’) by the group Gintersdorfer/Klaßen from 2015. In it, the german-ivorian team of artists verbally and physically engaged with well-known artefacts of modernism, for example, the choreography ‘Trio A’ by Yvonne Rainer, and thus carried out an ‘Exorcism’ of fixed patterns of thought and aesthetic codes of Western modernism. In ‘Contemporaneity in Action’, dancer Franck Edmond Yao, director Monika Gintersdorfer, and dance scholar Rahel Leupin view and comment on the rehearsals at the time in an analytical review. The audience not only participates in the encounter between experimental and artistic work, but is also invited to actively position themselves in regard to what they have seen with questions and comments.
Lecture demonstration, Talk
Monika Gintersdorfer (DE) director
Rahel Leupin (CH) theatre scholar
Franck Edmond Yao (CI) choreographer, dancer, performer, singer -
11:30 - 13:30 Schauspiel - Probebühne
on the notion of time in contemporary dance from the perspective of young arab artists
Physical workshop© Alaa Khanger
In the past years, contemporary dance from the Arab world has become an integral part of the European dance landscape. In a variety of ways, dancers and choreographers deal with the conflictual and often disillusioning reality of their countries, but also with their dreams and visions of a different world. The phenomenon of time plays a special role in their contemporary productions. Instead of strictly distinguishing between the historical and present-day, the young generation of contemporary Arab choreographers tend to combine the past and the present to an interconnected whole in dance. The perception and expression of bodies and movement become artistic tools to connect to the present and conceive it anew. The Palestinian choreographer Samar Haddad King and the Algerian curator Nedjma Hadj Benchelabi along with the young dancers Mohamed Lamqayssi and Samaa Wakim invite the audience to a lecture demonstration and a workshop.
Registration required
Please bring comfortable clothesas well as:
Lecture demonstration, Talk
Sun 19 June, 10:00 – 11:00, Schauspiel – BühneSamar Haddad King (PS) choreographer
Nedjma Hadj Benchelabi (DZ) curator, dramaturge
Mohamed Lamqayssi (MA) dancer
Samaa Wakim (PS) performer, actress
Sun 19 June 12:00
12:00 - 13:00 Oper - Chorsaal
Choreographic Radio
BroadcastingWith the idea of the ‘Choreographic Radio’, the choreographers and dance dramaturges of the artists’ initiative ‘How do We Work it’ face an unusual challenge: transmitting ideas and structures of dance and choreography to the medium of radio. ‘Choreographic Radio’ is to provide an open space for debates and reflections, fathom new possibilities of engaging in a dialog on dance and choreography, and abolish the physical limits of communication. By acoustically translating dance into words, sounds, and scores, a radio programme will be playfully developed together with the participants that with conversations, excerpts of recordings of individual events, and collective exercises directly responds to the congress and is fueled by its contents.
as well as:
Sun 19 June, 10:00 - 12:00, Oper - Chorsaal
Registration requiredSonja Augart (DE) choreographer, dramaturge, feldenkrais teacher, curator
Annette van Zwoll (NL) dance dramaturge
Ana Trincão (PT) multidisciplinary artist
Camilla Milena Fehér (DE) choreographer, performer, sound/visual artist
Adrian Shephard (UK) media artist, experimental radio-programme maker -
12:00 - 14:00 Kunstverein
some cleaning
Adam Linder, known as for crossing the borders between dance and fine art, presents his performance 'Some Cleaning' several times at the Kunstverein Hannover. Cleaning windows, scrubbing the floor, dusting – functional everyday movements are models for Linder's choreographic study and translated into dance by a performer. 'Some Cleaning' is part of the series 'Choreographic Services' conceived by Linder, in which performers can be engaged on an hourly basis for interventions outside of the theatre.
Adam Linder also appears as a performer in the filmic works of Sharyar Nashat, in which the Swiss video artist engages with the covetousness of objects and bodies. In his subtle installation comprising video works and objects presented in the space that invite visitors to sit or lie down, the viewers themselves become exhibits and thus part of the artwork.Durational performance
In the context of the international exhibition project 'Bodies and Stages' at the
Kunstverein HannoverAdam Linder (US) Künstler
Shahryar Nashat (US) Künstlerin -
12:30 - 14:00 Schauspiel - Bühne
Border Effects - Résumé and Perspectives
The artists and theorists participating in the programme focus ‘Border effects’ will meet in a concluding discussion round to exchange perspectives on bodies, borders, and movement that were opened by the impulse lectures and dealt with in the workshops. They will formulate questions and prospects for a controversial and in-depth debate.
Dana Caspersen (US) conflict specialist, author, performing artist
Gurur Ertem (TR) cultural sociologist, curator
Kristin Flade (DE) theatre scholar, author
Tomislav Medak (RS) philosopher, artist
Sandra Noeth (DE) cultural theorist, dramaturge
Chrysa Parkinson (SE) dancer
Gabriel Smeets (SE) artistic director Cullberg ballet
Tom Tlalim (IL/NL) researcher, sound artist
Sun 19 June 13:00
13:15 - 13:45 Oper - Großer Ballettsaal & Cumberlandsche Bühne
Physical Explorations
During the lunch break, interested persons and movement-hungry Congress participants are cordially invited to physically test historical and contemporary training approaches in dance. Students of the master study course Contemporary Dance Education, MA CoDE, at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts (HfMD K) give practical insights into techniques of Ausdruckstanz, modern dance, and other historical and contemporary styles, as well as hybrid forms of different practices. Beyond a traditional, linear understanding of history and a mainly didactical orientation, open approaches to passing on enable a playful engagement with movement and dance.
Physical Workshop (2 parallel)
with Katarzyna Ustowska, Oper – Großer Ballettsaal
This session 'Warm-up Plastique' is an invitation to move, dance and explore together impulses and forms, possible risks and rules of movement. Making connections and experimenting, calming/energizing, meeting/going through the borders of the body and mind. Starting from the present 'now' and moving gradually through, asking and discovering the known and the new on the way. The physical exploration is inspired by the work of Jerzy Grotowski and his collaborators.
with Britta Schönbrunn, Cumberlandsche Bühne
This physical exploration is inspired by gestures based on the 'Exercises de Plastique Animée' by the composer Émile Jaques-Dalcroze. Those gestures are less given aesthetical values, but rather a contemporary perspective, its integration in to the dancefield or its further development in artistic contexts. His method focused on music and rhythm, and how it related towards the body and movement sequences. Dalcroze's aim was to give rhythm value in the arts, in life as in the general education and in people's personality. We will try to coordinate and explore possible well as:
Fri 17 June, 13:15 - 13:45
with Veronica Garzon, Oper – Kleiner Ballettsaal
with Julia Kathriner, Schauspiel – ProbebühneSat 18 June, 13:15 - 13:45
with Ilana Reynolds, Oper – Kleiner Ballettsaal
with Leonardo Rodrigues, Schauspiel – ProbebühneVerónica Garzón (ES), Julia Kathriner (CH), Ilana Reynolds (US), Leonardo Rodrigues (BR), Britta Schönbrunn (DE), Katarzyna Ustowska (PL) dancers, students MA CoDE
Ingo Diehl (DE) professor MA CoDE
Susanne Triebel (DE) coordinator, teacher MA CoDE
Sun 19 June 14:00
14:00 - 14:15
Sabine Gehm (DE) Direction Dance Congress 2016
Katharina von Wilcke (DE) Direction Dance Congress 2016
© MS Schrittmacher
The choreographer Martin Stiefermann and his company MS Schrittmacher have been searching for traces of more than 30 Ausdruckstanz-dancers from the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s. The ‘Ausdruck-Mobil’ gives the congress participants information on where the today often unknown dancers ended up after fleeing from the national socialists, and which paths they took while emigrating. the caravan designed by MS Schrittmacher features an extremely haptic reconstruction of the flight routes as well as tables, information material, videos, sound installations, and an animated online presentation showing which artistic inspirations the Ausdrucktanz dancers spread throughout the world and the influences they later brought back to Germany. Interesting information can be printed out in the ‘Ausdruck-mobil’, sent by email upon request, or gained directly on site from the research team.
Installation, research, choreography Martin Stiefermann
Dancers in the videos Brit Rodemund, Efrat Stempler, Johanna Lemke
Sound design Albrecht Ziepert
Video Willi Neumann
Digital illustration Carolin Schultz
Research assistants Antje Maria Lossin, Alisa Beckstein
Editing, text work Hartmut SchreweAn installation by MS Schrittmacher. Produced in the frame of the Festival POST – Ausdruckstanz in Israel, Deutschland und im Butoh at Dock 11 Berlin 2015. Funded by the Capital Cultural Fund and supported by 50 Jahre Deutschland Israel
Books on the move
Bookstore on the road© Stephanie Pichon
Guest of the Dance Congress: the mobile bookstore for everyone who dances, reflects and moves. The assortment of this international bookstore for contemporary dance and performance includes books on choreography, applied anatomy and body experience, as well as theoretical essays and biographies in German, English and French. New publications are on offer as well as hard-to-find books on contemporary dance.
Agnès Benoit (FR) dancer
Stéphanie Pichon (FR) journalist -
Bodies and Stages
The international exhibition project ‘Bodies and stages‘ at the Kunstverein Hannover casts an associative view to the intersections of performance, dance and fine art. With installations and performances, the artists Alexandra Bachzetsis, Vaginal Davis, Adam Linder, and Shahryar Nashat explore various ways of presenting the body in space. Displays, filmic works and live interventions question how people present themselves to others and which poses they strike in daily life and in the frame of artistic (self-)staging. How do we present ourselves to the other, to the outside world? What does self-presentation mean in an exhibition context or on the stage? The artistic approach to these questions quite naturally crosses the borders between the arts.
11. Juni – 28. August 2016
Opening hours
Tue – Sat, 12:00 – 19:00
Sun, 11:00 – 19:00
Kunstverein HannoverAdmission free for congress participants
Guided tours
Fr 17. Juni, 15:00 – 16:00
Kathleen Rahn director Kunstverein HannoverSo 19. Juni, 14:00 – 15:00
Regular guided tourSo 19. Juni, 15:00 – 16:00
Dialogführung dialogic tour
Jörg Mannes ballet director Staatsoper Hannover
Kathleen Rahn director Kunstverein HannoverFunded by German Federal Cultural Foundation, Stiftung Niedersachsen, Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, State Capital Hannover and Pro Helvetia/Schweizer Kulturstiftung.
Transition - Dance of Life
PhotoexhibitionKarine Seneca stands all alone on the huge black stage. This is a scene from the rehearsals for 'Madame Bovary' at the Staatsoper Hannover. She finished her career as a ballet dancer playing the role of Emma Bovary. The time for her last premiere, the last dance in Hanover and her very last performance had come. 'A lonesome moment', says Karine about the moment the curtain fell for the last time.
For the then 40-year-old, this was a time filled with great tension, the pressure to achieve and great expectations, but also with her own feelings of farewell, insecurity and reorientation. She began her career as a member of the Basler Ballett at the age of 17. After performing with the Deutsche Oper am Rhein, the Züricher Ballett and the Boston Ballet, she went to Hanover in 2008. But a lot has changed. The steps have become more difficult, the joints are worn. Pain that will never cease again. A guest performance in Heilbronn brings the season to an end, and with it dancing on pointe for Karine Seneca. The abrupt end of a career in the middle years of one’s life. How does it feel when one’s entire life consists of dance that now comes to an end?
The photographer Insa Cathérine Hagemann accompanied the ballet dancer Karine Seneca for a period of two years (from 2012 to 2014), from the rehearsals for her last leading role back to her hometown of Cannes. A selection of these highly personal portraits is on view at the Künstlerhaus during the course of the Dance Congress 2016.Insa Hagemann (DE) photographer
Transition - dance of life from Insa Cathérine Hagemann on Vimeo.