Dance Congress 2016 - Call for Proposals

Dance Congress 2016 will take place from 16 – 19 June 2016 in Hanover, Germany. In its meanwhile fourth edition, it established itself as an international forum for the discussion and presentation of dance, choreography and movement in theory and practice.

How to welcome other practices, influences, ideas and cultures in our contemporaneity? Where are the boundaries and thresholds of our artistic, discursive and institutional hospitality? How do we work? How do we relate to our time? How can we say ‘we’?

The Call for Proposals invites artists, theorists, students and all working in dance to take up a position on the concept of contemporaneity and apply with questions and issues, work projects and case studies from their respective practices. We explicitly welcome proposals from other artistic and theoretical disciplines.

One of the thematic interests of Dance Congress 2016 is the discussion of different aspects of what we refer to as contemporary. Since the 20th Century, the idea of contemporaneity has arguably been accompanying the development of dance and choreography on an artistic-practical as much as theoretical level: as aesthetic, historical, political and societal position-fixing and a challenge to deal individually and collectively with the conditions and conditionality of our time. At the same moment, deep changes in the order of the world as much as developments from within the artistic practice call for redefining the idea of contemporaneity in theory, practice and education. Contemporaneity here is not primarily understood as an affirmative term. Much more it is an invitation and a responsibility to not reduce it to a dazzling, holed formula, but to set out for its re-examination in close dialogue with current developments.

In terms of a critical dialogue and focussing on the process of knowledge production with and through dance, choreography and movement, the Call for Proposals addresses groups (2 and more persons). Individual submissions will not be considered. We explicitly invite contributions that critically reflect upon and/or in someway work to modify familiar conventions and formats.

A selection of the submitted proposals shall be realized during Dance Congress 2016 (16 – 19 June 2016) in Hanover.


The deadline is Tuesday, 26th May 2015

Proposals in German or English should be sent to:

Feedback will be provided until end of June 2015.

Please include following information in the proposal:

(1) Abstract of the proposal (max. 500 words)

(2) Number of the participants and a recent biography of each (max. 250 words each)

(3) Indication of technical, spatial, time and other requirements, language of the contribution

(4) Calculation of costs

NOTE: For proposals including performance, workshops etc., it is specifically important to have a clear sense of any technical and spatial requirements. Please be aware that the time and space possibilities of the Dance Congress are limited.

Proposals will be reviewed by the artistic-scientific team of Dance Congress 2016, Sabine Gehm, Sandra Noeth and Katharina von Wilcke.

Dance Congress 2016 is an event of the German Federal Cultural Foundation in collaboration with the Niedersächsisches Staatstheater Hannover and the Town of Hanover.